Monday, August 25, 2014

Vampire Lady

 Originally, the photo of the lady drinking from the wine glass looked like this:

 After learning how to use:
1) Quick Selection Tool (W) This is how I selected the woman's face.
2) Desaturation (I changed the color of the woman's face by selecting Image/ Adjustments/ Desaturate)
3) Hue/Saturation tool was the second step after Desaturation
4) Layer Masking (I had a total of 2 layers and 1 Layer mask on the copy)
5) Zoom (Z)
6) Brush (B)
I was able to make the photo look like this:

Monday, August 18, 2014

First Low- Rider On The Moon

Hello Perry,

     My name is Christian Barraza and I am a senior in the Psychology BAIS program. I am from El Paso, TX. Hence my blog name. I have an interest in digital media productions so this class should be a good experience for me. I am also taking this class because I need a few more electives before I graduate.

My first project involved a picture of a man driving a low- rider and an astronaut standing on the moon:

I was instructed to take the background out from the first photo and then place the car on the moon. The picture came out like this: 

I used the magnetic lasso tool in order to outline the vehicle. Once the vehicle was outlined I clicked "Refine Edge". This allowed me to create a layer mask which enabled me to use the brush tool (B) in order to select what I wanted to erase and what I wanted to keep. 
Some shortcuts that I used were:
"X" In order to change from one color to another.
"Z" In order to zoom.
"H" In order to select the hand.
"B" for brush.
"Alt" in order to change the mask view.
The order of the layers is supposed to depend on which picture you want on top or on bottom. Just like a deck of cards.