Monday, December 1, 2014


1) First, I started off with this image as my background:
2) Next, I took the signature on the bottom right corner off with the (Clone Stamp Tool).
3) Then, I added images of the characters fighting:

4) I added an orbit to the hand of the 2nd image. I flipped it and erased the outer edges:

 5) I erased the background of the 3rd image to where it was just the Hulk. I added the Hammer of Thor to Hulks hand. I flipped it and erased the portion of the handle where the hulks hand would be. I also erased the grey background of the image:
6) I also added a blood stain to the hammer:

7) I added a smokey cloud effect on the background with a paint brush tool. I changed the opacity and changed the shape of the brush.

8) I added some blood splatter to the Hulks chest:
9) I also added blood splatter to one of the Super Saiyan's:
10) Lastly, I added flames to the background to add a battle effect:
The final product ended up looking like this:


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